Railway Platform Construction, Warrington West
Warrington West is a new railway station platform that serves Chapelford, Great Sankey and its local residents.
APB were contracted by Balfour Beatty to undertake the construction of this new railway station in order to help serve the local residents and business community.
Project Details
DESCRIPTION Warrington West Railway Station
LOCATION Chapelford, Warrington
CLIENT Balfour Beatty
VALUE £3,700,000
COMPLETION October 2019
DURATION 104 Weeks
Improvement of Local Transport Facilities
Warrington West railway station serves the urban village housing estate of Chapelford in Great Sankey, Warrington and was approved in 2015 to help improve transport services for local residents.
A New Railway Station & Platform
The proposed scheme included the design and development of a new railway platform and associated groundwork and landscaping to help blend the new development into the surrounding area.
Site Preparation
From the beginning of the project APB undertook de-vegetation works to the cutting and clearance of the site to enable works to be undertaken, before undertaking grading of the embankments and excavation to enable construction of the station platforms.
Railway Station Construction
Constructed in traditional blockwork APB worked on night time blocks to construct the platform walls and foundations, while undertaking works on days to construct the lift pit and stair foundations.
Drainage and electrical ducting works were also undertaken. These included deep track drainage chambers constructed behind supporting sheet piles and construction of a UTX to take across mechanical and electrical ducts as well as a further UTX for drainage pipes. In order to retain the embankment to the rear of the UTX chambers APB installed a king post retaining walls to retain the slope at that location.
Accessibility & Landscaping
Construction of brickwork walls and concrete capping beams were also undertaken to cover the sheet piled retaining walls constructed around the lift shaft areas. Finishing works included dressing the embankments with topsoil and impregnated seeded matting to encourage grass growth while retaining some of the topsoil. Fencing to the rear of the platform along with installation of gates and emergency steps and handrail. Finally finishing the entire platform area with tarmac surfacing.