APB Group have extensive experience or working with Platform Construction, Replacement and Refurbishment.
Many of these station platform projects have been carried out in closures or possessions and with a variety of additional constraints to overcome, usually involving access arrangements.
Our experience in platforms dates to back more than fifteen years right up until the present day, after recently completing numerous large platforms projects.
APB railway station platforms expertise involves working with a variety of materials in both new build and refurbishment projects. Pre-cast and in-situ concrete, steel, and more recently fibre reinforced polymer materials have been used on a variety of projects.
Civils Asset Owners are under increasing budget pressure and are constantly looking at opportunities to reduce capital and maintenance costs, and APB can offer cost effective buildable solutions using traditional materials such as pre-cast and in-situ concrete, and advanced materials such as FRP and aluminium frame platforms.
APB are at the forefront of innovation in platform construction and refurbishment and always ensure that whole life cost is taken into consideration with reduced maintenance costs wherever possible.
APB have a highly skilled in-house workforce and management team with many decades of experience between them working on highly complex and challenging station platform projects, as well as working with industry-leading specialist supply chain partners and professionals on more specialist platform projects.
APB has completed the station platform and associated works for a new train station in Warrington at Great Sankey. The work involved working in possessions and normal hours installing in-situ concrete foundations, riser wall construction, installation of platform service chambers and copers, surfacing, drainage and under-track crossings.
At Stoke Station, significant platform extensions were constructed using in-situ and pre-cast concrete, over-sail blocks and copings, drainage, and surfacing. Additionally, extensive re-gauging works were carried out to existing platforms. These works were carried out in possession and in normal working hours by our in-house trained and certified workforce.
At Birmingham New Street Station Gateway development, APB carried out refurbishment works to the existing concrete copings under a 2 year contract working in limited possessions. The works involved carrying out structural and aesthetic repairs to the platform copers across the station and replacement of edge markings.
A new island platform was constructed at Bicester North station as part of the Evergreen 3 project. The 190m long platform was constructed using concrete foundations and cross walls, platform coping and surfacing, drainage, lighting columns and bases, fencing and grillage at front of platforms.
At Nottingham Station, platform 4 was extended by APB during a blockade. Works involved reinforced concrete foundation construction, pre-cast brick clad riser wall unit installation, installing platform copers and surfacing and drainage and ducting works.
APB are able to offer a one stop shop to design, fabricate and install new build platform solutions as well as repairs and refurbishment of existing platform structures and can advise clients and asset owners about the most suitable approach to individual projects dependent upon constraints.
Most importantly when delivering civil engineering solutions in platform construction and refurbishment, an early contractor involvement and collaborative approach will always provide the client with the best engineering and most cost effective solution.